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General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey
Frequently Asked Questions

What does the FAA do with this detailed information?
The information collected in this survey helps the FAA to understand more about general aviation activities, assess the impact of general aviation activities on the National Airspace System, and determine the need for increased traffic facilities and services. Federal, state, and local governments; general aviation associations; and private industry and individuals use the summary data for safety analyses, planning, forecasting, and research and development.

Will my name be associated with my survey responses?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! The information obtained in the survey will only be used for statistical purposes and will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. FAA will not publish any reports or tables that would reveal specific information reported by an individually identifiable respondent. Names of individuals are never associated with responses. There is an identification number on your survey only so Tetra Tech knows who should receive the survey.

Why was I selected for this survey?
Your aircraft was selected from the Civil Aviation Registry. The Registry shows you as a registrant of this aircraft as of December 31, .

Many aircraft were randomly sampled from the Civil Aviation Registry, but several groups were sampled at 100 percent to better understand general aviation activity of high-use groups. These groups include: FAR Part 135 aircraft, rotorcraft, turbine aircraft, aircraft five years old or newer, and Alaska-based aircraft.

What if I completed a survey last year?
Even if you were sampled last year, it is very important that you respond to the survey this year.

You may have been selected again because several groups of aircraft are sampled at 100 percent to better understand general aviation activity of high-use groups (FAR Part 135 aircraft, rotorcraft, turbine aircraft, aircraft five years old or newer, and Alaska-based aircraft). If you were randomly sampled to complete a survey last year, it may be because there are relatively few aircraft like yours so you may be selected more often.

What should I do if I have a question about how to fill out the survey or have a question we haven't answered?
Please call the GA Survey helpline, at 1-800-826-1797, or email:

Has this survey been cleared by the Office of Management and Budget Paperwork Reduction Project?
Yes. The OMB control number is 2120-0060, with an expiration date of January 31, 2028.